Digital Wave Scavenger Hunt

Feel free to share your results in one long comment to this post.

How many pools in Fred's Seussland SketchUp? HINT: Visit Fred's Ning page.

How many members in the isenet.ning? HINT: Find the appropriate button in the menu bar.

Who created the isenet logo? HINT: Search within isenet and check with the Librarian in your RCDS PLN if you need appropriate search terms.

Find the names of two books around which there are discussions. If possible, at least one of the books you list has to be different than one of the books listed by someone else in Digital Wave. Also, if you have read any of the books around which there are discussions – jump in and add a comment. HINT: Find the appropriate button in the menu bar. SECOND HINT: Within the Books discussion is another discussion: What are you reading?

Find the RCDS faculty who have Twitter accounts and list their Twitter names. HINT: Pool your talents to do your searches and also ask your growing PLN.

Find the names of two books around which there are tweets. Add a tweet of your own about a book you have read. HINT: Search for the #books hashtag.

The CAIS (Connecticut Association of Independent Schools) Tech Retreat took place in early May of this year. Who do you know who attended the retreat, and what did they do while on the retreat? HINT: Search all of posterous for this, and don't give up till you find it! (Which means you might have to search twice.)