Munching, scratching deer

While having lunch upon the deck, I noticed something stirring in the marsh grass in our backyard.
A rather handsome buck was having a meal among the grass.
Alas, one camera click too many and he decided to make his way elsewhere.
When lo and behold, seemingly out of the blue, came his munching companion.
Who decided to also head for another pasture!
I suspect it was one or both of these deer that were scratching their antlers upon the azalea bushes on the side of our house. Robin heard their heavy breathing and scratching sounds while he was watching television around 11 at night. The next morning one azalea bush was half its size and the other was no more, their branches strewn upon the ground. And the three foot sprinkler pole that used to stand upright between the azaleas? Ha, that was tilted at a low angle to the ground. I suppose we can now say that "the buck stops here" ;-)