Take 3 on posterous experiment

In my continuing experiment with posterous (which also could be called my discovery of all the wonderful possibilities that posterous provides) a slide show that accompanied a presentation I gave last April, 2009, has been posted. The presentation was given at the annual CAIS Tech Retreat, and here is the description from the CAIS wiki:

Three Pounds that Packs a Punch
Link to index card brainstorm - [I deleted the link because it did not work from posterous.]
We are all adults and we all spend part of our jobs helping other adults make use of technology. What can we take from the realm of adult learning and the brain that can be useful to us as learners and teachers? We'll touch on brain basics, adult brains, aging brains, memory, learning, and professional development. Be prepared to think as much about yourselves as about your colleagues! Laptops are fine to bring with you, though they won't be our only tools.

My slides were created in Keynote and then saved as PowerPoint, since that appears to be the file preference of posterous. I noticed only two issues when saving as PP – the font was changed, and a separate folder was created for saving the animated clock. The clock file, which is a .mov QuickTime file, is also posted here just to see how posterous handles it. Turns out the .mov file did not play properly so I deleted it. As for the font, it appears to have reverted to the original once it was posted, though two or three slides have size issues when displaying the text.

While I think SlideShare is still a better place for posting slides, am currently thinking that a posterous blog may be a viable tool for hosting my Presentation Communication course next fall.